Lithotherapy Power of Minerals
Lithotherapy Power of Minerals
According to experts, there are stones that can help a person in various spheres of life, and precious minerals affect humans. Why is this happening? The cause of the astral link between human and stones is the presence within the last positively and negatively charged particles.
Lithotherapy – an original method of treatment with natural stones. What jewelry we wear means much. The stone must be chosen carefully in sense of its medicinal properties. Lithotherapy means energy impact (psycho therapeutic, informative) of stone on the human body. It is believed that the vibration of the stone nearly is identical to human vibration, so stone can optimally stimulate the energy flows in the body. Minerals are the oldest “inhabitants” of the Earth, have accumulated over billions of years in their crystals tremendous amount of energy.
For greater impact, you can use stone balls, plates, discs. They should be warm, to massage or impose on the problem areas. Stones with cracks, defects, bubbles, muddy areas reinforce negative qualities. Stone massage with rhodonite, charoite, pink quartz help in headaches, nervous disorders and in cosmetic purpose.
In lithotherapy phenacite is believed a stone with a positive effect on the whole body, as well as enhancing safety and therapeutic properties of other stones. In spiritual practices phenacite is used for the development of meditation, clairvoyance assistance. Phenacite is the patron of the mediums and magicians, people associated with spiritual activities. In some cultures phenacite considered an amulet that protects against black magic.
Malachite, jasper, serpentine, and onyx do well in diseases of the muscle and skeletal system, neuralgia and obesity.
Smoky quartz, lapis lazuli and jade are often used for stone therapy of respiratory, and such diseases as bronchitis and arthritis.
Jade and obsidian good massage is helpful in joints and spine diseases, as well as the muscle and skeletal system.
For healthy people lithotherapy is recommended as an excellent means of stress relief and maintenance of tone. Not to mention the fact that the procedure is extremely pleasant.
Indications: allergies, dermatitis, alopecia, hypertension, bronchitis, cardiovascular disease, warts, wounds.
Application: massage, wearing earrings and rings.
Agate Lithotherapy
Indications: diseases “ear, nose and throat”, cramps, stomach, endocrine diseases, diseases of the respiratory system, digestive system, stress, low back pain.
Application: wearing agate beads, pendants, rings.
Aquamarine Lithotherapy
Indications: toothache, immune deficiency, skin diseases, bronchitis, nervous disorders.
Application: wearing beads, necklaces, stones attachment.
Amethyst Lithotherapy
Indications: stress, nervous disorders, insomnia.
Application: wearing beads, necklaces, stones attachment.
Turquoise Lithotherapy
Indications: vision problems, insomnia, migraine.
Application: turquoise color varies depending on the health status of the owner, so it’s good to wear turquoise as necklaces, rings.
Indications: convulsions, birth pain, low blood pressure, gastric diseases.
Application: massage balls, plates, wearing talismans, VAN.
Indications: blood disease, bleeding, liver disease, kidney, blood vessels, blisters.
Application: all kinds of wearing jewelry with hematite amulets plate.
Indications: diseases of the spinal cord, coronary artery disease, migraine, varicose veins, stress, nervous disorders.
Application: balloons, plates, wearing talismans, VAN.
Indications: diseases of the digestive, respiratory, immune system, skin diseases, migraines, allergies, constipation.
Application: garnet jewelry, massage.
Indications: kidney, liver, digestive tract disease, hypertension. Glitter pearls directly related to the health of the owner. Therefore it is not surprising that after the death of the last stone tarnish.
Application: water pearl, jewellery with natural pearls.
Indications: headache, bone disease.
Indications: metabolic disorders, diseases of blood circulation and cardiovascular system, ulcers, sore throat, asthma, diseases of the throat.
Application: wearing coral jewelry, massage.
Lapis lazuli
Indications: eye diseases, migraine, stress, asthma, sciatica, hypertension.
Application: the wearing of jewelry, massage.
Indications: diseases of the kidneys, bladder, edema, epilepsy.
Application: the wearing of jewelry, massage.
Indications: osteochondrosis, diseases of the joints and spine, diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
Application: wearing jade jewelry, massage.
Indications: gastric disease, kidney disease, blood, immune system.
Application: the wearing of jewelry, massage, pieces of obsidian, beads.
Indications: nervous disorders, depression, stress, inflammation.
Application: the wearing of jewelry, massage.
Indications: nervous disorders, heart disease, fainting, and infectious diseases.
Application: the wearing of jewelry, massage.
Indications: nervous disorders, diseases of the genitourinary and respiratory systems, circulatory disorders, digestive tract, and constipation.
Application: wearing carnelian jewelry, massage.
Indications: colds, diseases of the digestive system, liver, gall bladder, spleen, insomnia and stress.
Application: the wearing of jewelry, massage.
Indications: heart disease, disorders of the blood pressure, colds, eye diseases, stuttering.
Application: the wearing of jewelry, massage.
Indications: low immunity, blood circulation diseases, infectious intestinal diseases.
Application: the wearing of jewelry, massage.
Indications: headache, toothache, high blood pressure, inflammation, diseases of the thyroid gland, spleen and heart.
Application: the wearing of jewelry, massage.
Indications: epilepsy, fever, eye diseases, toothache, bleeding, gynecological diseases, poisonings.
Indications: heart disease, pancreas and spleen.
Application: wearing malachite jewelry, massage.