Signed L’Officiel vintage costume jewelry

L’Officiel vintage costume jewelry
Italian luxury jewelry of the famous brand L`0fficiel is exquisite bracelets, necklaces, pendants, earrings and brooches of amazing beauty. A unique factory of craft jewelry and fashion accessories began its work in 1950 in Rome. In their works, the craftsmen used only natural and anti-allergenic metal alloys, Swarovski stones of excellent quality, rhinestones and enamels. Traditionally, all jewelry has the L`OFFICIEL made Italy label and the copyright mark. Undoubtedly, the products of this company in quality and workmanship are on a par with such iconic brands as Valentino and DG.
Noteworthy, the company, created in 1950, is still operating, but it no longer produces such jewelry (the official website does not offer jewelry either). The most common are large runway jewelry – very beautiful beaded necklaces created in the period of 1970-80s. They are a rarity coveted by collectors and lovers of vintage costume jewelry.