Signed Halbe vintage costume jewelry
Halbe vintage costume jewelry (1930-50s)
Rare and highly collectible, each piece of jewelry marked “Halbe” is a wearable art, because its creator and designer was a professional artist.
Born in Poland on April 10, 1881, Rudolph Halbe studied art in Germany and became a renowned landscape painter. In Germany, he married Erna, the famous ethnic dancer. The couple enjoyed traveling and in 1919 they emigrated to California, USA.
Rudolph and Erna started their family business with opening jewelry stores in Oakland and Piedmont, California, in the early 1930s. The business was developing successfully, and jewelry lovers liked the exquisite and inexpensive Halbe jewelry made in the Art Deco style. Notably, Halbe-branded jewelry was sold in boutiques on 5th Avenue in New York and in Toronto, Canada. Meanwhile, the artist Halbe continued to paint and participate in art exhibitions, while Erna continued to perform ethnic dances.
Landscape painter, designer, jeweler and businessman, Rudolph Halbe died in Emeryville, California on September 4, 1967, at the age of 86. He left a great legacy in the form of paintings and jewelry, the price of which will rise every year.