Signed Goldman Goldman Vintage Costume Jewelry
One of the oldest U.S. jewelry companies, Goldman Jewelry Co. began its history in 1883 as a small jewelry store at 1226 Union Ave Kansas City, Missouri. The founder and president of the company was Lipman Goldman (1853 – 1912), previously a farmer. The flood of 1903 caused Lipman Goldman to move from the neighborhood of the old Union Station to a location on Grand Ave.
His eldest son Fred Goldman Sr. (1885–1978) joined his father’s business. After the death of Lipman Goldman in 1912 George L. Goldman (1889 – 1969), who was then studying law, joined his brother, Fred. The Goldman brothers inherited the business from their father and in 1927 moved the family business from 303 Grand Ave. to 1107 Walnut St. Noteworthy, Goldman Jewelry Co. was a successful many-million dollar business, selling their jewelry nationwide.
The company manufactured beautiful high quality jewelry, mostly in Art Deco style with floral designs. The maker’s mark includes “Goldman Goldman” (for Fred and George Goldman) and without a copyright symbol. Goldman Goldman trademark ceased to exist in the early 1940s, but copyright symbols on jewelry appeared only after 1954.
Notably, in 1929 Goldman Jewelry Co. and Weisfield & Goldberg merged, forming the $5,000,000 Corporation known as Jewelry, Inc. Weisfield & Goldberg was a chain of coast stores with two establishments in Seattle and others in Tacoma, Portland, Everett, Bellingham, Aberdeen, Wash. George L. Goldman became president of the corporation and Fred Goldman, chairman of the board.