Signed Botticelli vintage costume jewelry
According to belief, hop is a symbol of vitality, fertility, goodness and well-being. Besides, the image of hops relates to the idea of a happy marriage.
The history of Botticelli jewelry brand began almost sixty years ago in Providence Rhode, Island. Incorporated on 19 May 1964, Botticelli, Inc. ceased to exist in June 1993. Undoubtedly, the trademark has reference to a famous Italian painter, as its founder was of Italian origin.
Made of silver or blackened silver, sometimes with the use of enamel, the jewels demonstrate high casting quality and a wonderful sense of shape. Also, the style and some technological features of “Botticelli” decorations are identical to another costume jewelry brand “Tortolani”.
Noteworthy, Botticelli could relate to The Ellmore Silver Company Inc. According to Official Gazette of the United States Patent Office (published in 1949), Con Meriden, owner of The Ellmore Silver Company Inc. filed for Botticelli trademark in 1948.