Powder and lipstick jewelry art

Powder and lipstick jewelry art
Compact of the XIX century, Russia, Hermitage. Powder and lipstick jewelry art

Powder and lipstick jewelry art
Up to 20-ies of XX century to use cosmetics was considered bad taste, worthy only ladies of the demimonde. In the 20s the situation changed radically. Cosmetics has become a fashionable attribute. The first compact powder was imported into Europe from the United States.
The novelty was quickly appreciated and the production began in France, where the powder often wore the name of major perfume houses such as Coty Houbigant. In the 30-40s of the XX century, designer Line Vautrin used bronze, creating packaging for powder which looked like jewelry. Powder boxes took an infinite variety of forms, bearing the reflection of the talent of the master. Sometimes the body depicted puzzles or poetic quotations, not devoid of humor.

Powder and lipstick
Powder case of the XIX century, Russia, Hermitage

An essential subject on the table for the secular ladies of the XVIII-XIX centuries was a powder box. The best was considered rice powder. Powders were expensive and there were all sorts of colors and shades – from white to pink, golden spotted, fawn. Fashionable considered scented powder – orange, violet, rose, jasmine. Abundantly powdered not only the face, but hair, shoulders, arms, back.

Powder and lipstick
Art Deco Compact Powder by company Tiffany, 1920-30s, silver, diamonds, lapis lazuli

Deco dominated in the design of everyday objects. This style loved geometric motifs, exotic materials, and new industrial – chromium, nickel.

Powder and lipstick jewelry art

Compact powders of 1930-40-ies
Compact powders of 1930-40-ies

After World War I the cosmetic industry is developing rapidly. Pale powdered face, bright red lips and eyes, accentuated by thick black pencil strokes were at the height of fashion.
Cases for cosmetics including compartments for powder and lipstick, a mirror and a comb of tortoise shell or ivory, were always present in the purse of fashionista.

Compact powders of 1930-40s

Early powder and lipstick cases consisted of a small round or rectangular compacts, suspended from the ring on a chain of gourmet and lipstick cases of the same design. Later they were produced in the form of rectangular boxes, for which Van Cleef and Arpels patented the name “minoder” (“cosmetic”).

Compacts with the emblems of the royal air force 1970-1980, and the Navy 1939, England
Compacts with the emblems of the royal air force 1970-1980, and the Navy 1939, England

Made of gold, silver, white metal alloys or non-ferrous metals with gold compacts were pieces of art. Decorated in geometric style,concentric rectangles, strips, zigzags, hexagons, and gems. Traditionally, covered with bright colored enamel and lacquer, decorated with semi-precious and geometric motifs in oriental style: Persian designs, Chinese pagodas, clouds – symbols of long life. Also, the Japanese bonsai trees, abstractions, and Chinese landscape with polychrome enamel and inlaid with mother of pearl and semi-precious stones. On the covers of cosmetic bags often appeared the original Chinese plate of the XVIII century: lacquer, mother of pearl or ornamental stone.

Powder and lipstick jewelry art

Metal powder case, Art Nuvo, Russia 1920s
Metal powder case, Art Nuvo, Russia 1920s
Guitar - Compact powder of leather, US, 1960s
Guitar – Compact powder of leather, US, 1960s
Jeweled powder box
Jeweled powder box
Powder and lipstick
Multi-color Les Meteorites Powder by Guerlain, 1999
Powder 'Flying Saucer' 1951
‘Flying Saucer’ 1951
Powder and lipstick
Liberation of Paris’. 1944
Powder and lipstick
The Sonato Piano, 1954
Yves Saint Laurent. Compact Powder Heart. 1990-1991
Yves Saint Laurent. Heart compact. 1990-1991
Compact powder and lipstick
Compact powder and lipstick
Pig. Plastic lipstick case. France
Pig. Plastic lipstick case. France

Lipstick – conquest of the XX century. Appearing one day, it had never left the stage. Jewelers converted lipstick cases into original works of art made of precious metals and stones, and the mass production offered plastic lipstick holders, creating incredible variety of forms: buildings, birds, and bottles.

Combined holder for lipstick with a built-in perfume bottle. Silkscreen on metal. Around 1940 Lipstick by the company Revlon (left), Lipstick by the company Revlon, United States, 1961. Celluloid and corduroy (right)
Combined holder for lipstick with a built-in perfume bottle. Silkscreen on metal. Around 1940. Revlon, United States, 1961. Celluloid and corduroy (right)
Lipstick by the company Guerlain, France
Guerlain lipstick

Even in 1828 the doctor and chemist Pierre Francois Pascal Guerlain opened a shop in Paris for the sale of powder and perfume of his own production. It was the beginning of the world famous company.

Lipstick firm Cartier. France 1920
Cartier Lipstick. France 1920
Lipstick in a form of Leaning Tower of Pisa Italy. Velvet case. International Style
Leaning Tower of Pisa Italy lipstick. Velvet case
Lipstick in a metal case. The company Coty. 1920
Lipstick in a metal case. Coty. 1920
Powder box in gold with precious stones. Van Cleef and Arpels. 1945. New York. Application in the form of figurine of ballerina, rose cut diamonds and sapphires
Van Cleef and Arpels. 1945. New York. Figurine of ballerina, rose cut diamonds and sapphires
Powder compact. Boucheron. 1940-1945. Paris. Powder boxes of this popular design were often made of white alloy
Boucheron. 1940-1945. Paris
Unusual powder box in gold with enamel and diamonds work by Enrico Serafini
Enrico Serafini compact. Gold, enamel, diamonds
Powder box in gold enamel. House of Cartier, to. 1925
Gold enamel powder box. Cartier, 1925
Powder compact gold and platinum with diamonds and black enamel. House of Cartier. 1930
Cartier compact. Gold, platinum, diamonds and black enamel. 1930
Powder compact with lapis lazuli, jade, coral and diamonds in the eastern style. House of Cartier, c. 1925
Lapis lazuli, jade, coral and diamonds powder compact. Cartier, c. 1925
Powder box in gold with enamel and diamonds. 1925. Note the Chinese stamp in the center
Gold with enamel and diamonds. 1925. Note the Chinese stamp in the center
Powder box in gold with enamel and diamonds. LaCloche Freres. 1925. Paris. Noticeable effect of early Thai art
Gold enamel diamonds compact. LaCloche Freres. 1925. Paris
The powder and lipstick case of gold with enamel and diamonds. 1925-1930, Paris
The case of gold with enamel and diamonds. 1925-1930, Paris


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