Ballet Jewels Inc vintage costume jewelry
Ballet Jewels Inc vintage costume jewelry
The history of Ballet Jewels brand owned by Harold P. Bass began in New York City in 1952.
Before Harold P. Bass founded his own jewelry company, he successfully worked for Bass-Weiner inc. Thus, according to the patent office, he patented one of his own jewelry designs on July 7, 1942. However, in the early 1950s, Weiner and Bass parted ways. Harold founded his own company, Ballet Jewels Inc. in New York City in 1952. Harold had a son, Thomas, who later became vice president of the company and continued the family business.
Noteworthy, such famous brands as DeLizza&Elster made jewelry for Ballet Jewels Inc.
Today, the company located at 389 5th Ave, is still operating, but its policy and its management have changed. Now it is a premier global supplier of private label costume jewelry and wholesaler of precious metal & gemstone jewelry.
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