Miniature Animal Cling Rings by Flomaster

Miniature Animal Cling Rings by Flomaster
Realistic Cat Miniature Animal Cling Rings by Flomaster

Miniature Animal Cling Rings by Flomaster
St. Petersburg based artist jeweler Ivan, nicknamed “Flomaster” creates amazing Animal cling rings. All the figures and the smallest details look realistic. Each ring has the effect of a loved animal’s presence, only in miniature. Traditionally, Ivan most accurately conveys the image of an animal, working on customer photos. Thanks to Ivan, customers have the opportunity to be constantly with their favorite pets, albeit in miniature form. Noteworthy, all these wonderful miniature rings and pendants are not just decorations. They perform a very important mission – to protect their masters even away from them, working as amulets.

Black Panther
Black Panther

Ivan doesn’t work with polymer clay, because polymer clay “will be smashed to pieces already after you put the ring on the finger. This is a highly unreliable material which is fit only as an execution model, which rarely survives after removal from the mold”. Ivan uses high-impact expensive plastic, made in Germany. During the execution process it becomes just stronger. He uses acrylic paints, which does not “fall off” anything. Materials are used only the best, based on what corresponds with the final product.

Ring Black Panther
Ring Black Panther plastic ring with an adjustable implanted basis

The product is very durable, give a 100% guarantee that it will not break. Hand painting with acrylics, covered with two layers of acrylic paint.

Miniature Animal Cling Rings by Flomaster

Animal Cling Rings by Flomaster
Caracal – Predatory mammal of the cat family
Animal Cling Rings by Flomaster
Wonderful Cat ring
Animal Cling Rings by Flomaster
Cat rings
Miniature Animal Cling Rings by Flomaster
Florida Panther (Puma concolor coryi)
Animal Cling Rings by Flomaster
Panther ring
Animal Cling Rings by Flomaster
‘Snow Leopard’ (Irbis)
Animal Cling Rings by Flomaster
‘Fossa’ Cling Ring
Animal Cling Rings by Flomaster
Fox Cling ring
Animal Cling Rings by Flomaster
Hedgehogs Cling Ring
Animal Cling Rings by Flomaster
Pigs. Miniature earrings
Animal Cling Rings by Flomaster
Monkey pendant
‘Hedgehog’. Miniature Animal Cling Rings by Ivan, St. Petersburg
‘Hedgehog’. Animal design rings by St. Petersburg based jeweler Ivan
The tiny titmouse on a ring – elaborately dyed, looks realistic. The bird, rain drops and the maple leaf look realistic. Miniature Animal Cling Rings by Ivan, St. Petersburg
The tiny titmouse on a ring – elaborately dyed, looks realistic. The bird, rain drops and the maple leaf look realistic


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