Exquisite Michele della Valle jewellery

Michele della Valle jewellery
Geneva-based designer Michele della Valle has become one of the most sought-after contemporary jewelers in the world. Created by him jewellery gallery features Nureyev and the ballet, Hollywood stars, from Marilyn Monroe to James Dean and Italian opera singers.
Born in 1960 in Rome, he began designing costume jewellery at the age of 16. During his trip to Burma in 1976, Michele purchased his first stone which he showed to the famous stone dealer Roger Varenne. The last suggested to take the gem to Christie’s.
At the age of 18 he opened his own workshop (1978). In search of precious stones, he started traveling to Asia. This was the beginning of a collaboration with Bulgari. In 1987, he moved to Geneva and developed a line of jewellery which now bears his name.
Still a rarefied name in the world of jewellery, a destination jeweler, della Valle lives and works in Geneva, where he presents ideas and designs to clients in his appointment-only studio. The team of sixteen highly skilled craftsmen implement della Valle’s designs in his atelier in Rome.

Noteworthy, the designer considers traveling his main source of inspiration. Thus, in Tahiti jewels made of fresh flowers, pearls and shells captivate him. “Jewels to last for one night only: the ultimate in luxury.” According to the jeweler, in India, colors, and saris, fruit and vegetable left him breathless. “In India, inspiration is everywhere, you need only open your eyes and your heart.”
Exquisite Michele della Valle jewellery

In his designs, Della Valle combines musicality with color, line and rhythm. Such approach comes from his personal passion for opera and his own early training as a dramatic tenor.
Michele della Valle jewellery