Created by Norwegian designer Finn Jensen jewelry can be divided into two groups – enameled costume jewelry and Solje. A traditional sterling silver wedding brooch, Solje design included many concave teardrop or disks dangles for movement and reflection. Solje means “shiny” or “sunny”, which is depicted in the reflections from the teardrops.
However, the master became known all over the world for his high-quality jewelry with guilloché translucent enamel of cobalt blue, silver-white, red and green colors.
Jensen was a student of J. Tostrup, officially licensed as a goldsmith in 1941. In partnership with Knut Aamodt, he took over the workshop of Martin Lande in Oslo (1944) and renamed the company to Jensen & Aamodt. Finally, in 1953, he became the sole owner of his company “Finn Jensen” and an independent manufacturer of guilloché enamel jewelry. His pins, bracelets, earrings and necklaces included nature inspired and abstract designs. Traditionally, Jensen marked each decoration with “Norway Sterling 925S” and triangle (his personal stamp).
Noteworthy, located in Oslo, his workshop continued to create jewelry after his death in 1976.