Delphine Nardin vintage costume jewelry

Delphine Nardin vintage costume jewelry
Bold in design, these earrings are striking in their textured surface, massiveness and relevance, although they were made in the 1990s.
Parisian self-taught jeweler founded her own trademark Delphine Nardin in 1989. The same year she created her first pieces, and now her works decorate the Museum of Art and Design in New York.
Before becoming a jeweler, Dolphin Nardin worked in geology and archeology gaining knowledge in the field of gemmology. An artist by vocation and nature, she saw beauty in the forms of stones, shells, sea glass and was later able to express this in her jewelry decorations. Handcrafted, they are unique and unlike any other designer. Minimalism in her jewelry is the desire of the jeweler to extract beauty from natural simplicity through experiments. According to Nardin, experimentation went from one to the other, and in the end, the materials shaped her style.
Traditionally the designer used metal alloys of gold and silver tone, sometimes gold plating and sterling silver. All items have a distinctive stamp on the back side – square frame with “Delphine Nardin Paris” in capital letters inside it.
Delphine Nardin vintage costume jewelry