Cora Sun-Drop Diamond

Sun-Drop Diamond
Unique natural gem Cora Sun-Drop Diamond

Cora Sun-Drop Diamond
Called “Shard of the Sun”, or “Tears of the Sun”, the unique diamond has a number of characteristics of the highest among all diamonds and a record – in its class. Mined in 2010 in kimberlite mines of South Africa, rough diamond has become a sensation. Noteworthy, it took about six months for the largest diamond processing company Cora International LLC, NY to facet the stone. The company asked Gemological Institute of America, GIA for an expert opinion on the received diamond.
Analysis found stone age no less than 1 billion years old. Its bright yellow color is due to a high content in the crystal structure of diamond-related molecules of nitrogen. Certified as a “fantasy” the diamond got the highest category thanks to color and purity. Also, as the biggest bright yellow pear-shaped diamond in the world. According to experts, its approximate value is from 11 to 15 million dollars.

Sun-Drop Diamond
Unique Diamond

As a pre-sale preparation in February 2011 a “young” gem briefly became exhibit the Natural History Museum in London, where it was exhibited with the “Pyramid of Hope” – a unique collection of 296 colored diamonds collected through the efforts of the corporation «Aurora Gems». On 15 November 2011 the diamond was sold at auction in Geneva office of “Sotheby’s” to an anonymous telephone buyer for 12.4 million, including $ 1.5 million as auction fees.

Cora Sun-Drop Diamond

Cora Sun-Drop Diamond
“Tears of the Sun” diamond

Some commentators have noted that the sale price was 100 thousand dollars below the lower threshold of 11 million dollars, set by a preliminary evaluation experts of GIA, but even so, the representatives of “Sotheby’s” claimed that lot “Drops of the Sun” staged absolute record price.

The Cora Sun-Drop Diamond – one of the most stunning diamonds in the world
One of the most stunning diamonds in the world
The Cora Sun-Drop Diamond – one of the most stunning diamonds in the world
Called “Shard of the Sun”, one of the most stunning diamonds in the world
The Cora Sun-Drop Diamond – one of the most stunning diamonds in the world
Stunning diamond


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