Jewellery Kaleidoscope

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Chinese zodiac in jewellery

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Chinese zodiac in jewellery. Rat brooch of white gold and diamonds

Rat (2020, January 25), element Metal. Rat brooch of white gold and diamonds, Verdura. Chinese zodiac in jewellery

Chinese zodiac in jewellery
According to the Chinese calendar, the beginning of the New Year falls on the first new moon after the winter solstice, which occurs in December or January. The New Year, starting from the winter solstice (December 21-22), the new moon, occurs respectively until January 21, and no later than February 20. 12-year cycle (“earthly branches” or “Chinese Zodiac”), taken perhaps from observing Jupiter’s orbit (the sidereal period of the planet is equal to 4332.589 Earth days, or 11.8618 year).
For some reason it is a 12-year period Chinese astrologers consider the greatest inspiration. Accordingly, Zodiac animals – Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat or Sheep, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, Boar or Pig appear in different art forms with the richness and authenticity of psychological content.

Chinese zodiac in jewellery. Bull (2021 February 12), element Metal. Enameled brooch Moon Bull. Jeweler Nataly Belonogova

Bull (2021 February 12), element Metal. Enameled brooch Moon Bull. Jeweler Nataly Belonogova

The Chinese introduced 12-year cycle to the culture of nomadic peoples of China, whose traditional occupation was cattle. According to the Oriental horoscope, all beings and things on earth consist of five basic elements – earth, wood, fire, metal and water.

Chinese zodiac in jewellery

Tiger (1 February 2022). Element Water. Vintage brooch Tiger by Pauline Rader

Tiger (1 February 2022). Element Water. Tiger brooch by Pauline Rader

Meanwhile, each animal of eastern zodiac circle has a positive, neutral, and negative element. Whatever animal rules this year, initially it has its own element (quality) that will remind of itself, creating a successful, or a combination of conflicting events. In other words, according to astrologers, taking into account the impact of the elements, it is not necessarily the most lucky year for a person will be exactly the year, dominated by the “his” animal (the year which he was born).

In ancient times, no marriage was possible as long as the parents of the bride and groom do not exchange their “eight characters”: information about the year, month, day, hour, and so on of birth of the young.

Rabbit (2023 January 22). Element Water. Jonette Jewelry (JJ) head of Rabbit vintage brooch. Galina Karputina collection

Rabbit (2023 January 22). Element Water. Jonette Jewelry (JJ) brooch. Galina Karputina collection

Dragon (2024 February 10), Element tree. Vintage brooch by Attwood & Sawyer, England, 1980s

Dragon (2024 February 10), Element tree. Attwood & Sawyer brooch, England, 1980s

Snake (29 January 2025), Element tree. Stylish vintage brooch Snake by KJL (Kenneth Jay Lane) with blackening and two types of crystals

Snake (29 January 2025), Element tree. Brooch by KJL (Kenneth Jay Lane) with blackening and two types of crystals

Horse (17 February 2026), Element fire. Butler & Wilson horse brooch

Horse (17 February 2026), Element fire. Butler & Wilson horse brooch

Monkey (2016 February 8), Element fire. Pauline Rader vintage brooch Monkey

Monkey (2016 February 8), Element fire. Pauline Rader vintage brooch

Goat or sheep (19 February 2015), element wood. Brooch-pendant Goat, enameled, made by S. Kudryavtseva

Goat or sheep (19 February 2015), element wood. Brooch-pendant, enameled, made by S. Kudryavtseva

Rooster (28 January 2017), Element fire. Vintage brooch Rooster by Heidi Daus

Rooster (28 January 2017), Element fire. Brooch by Heidi Daus

Dog (16 February 2018), Element The Earth. Brooch Golden Spaniel by Sphinx (UK), 1980s

Dog (16 February 2018), Element The Earth. Spaniel by Sphinx (UK), 1980s

Boar (5 February 2019), Element The Earth. Brooch-pin by Vitaly (hunt-gift)

Boar (5 February 2019), Element The Earth. Brooch-pin by Vitaly (hunt-gift)