Butterfly jewelry symbolism and meaning

Butterfly jewelry symbolism and meaning
Undoubtedly, the most popular jewelry design so loved by women is the butterfly along with flowers. Noteworthy, this choice is subconscious, and women intuitively choose the butterfly design. A symbol of the soul, immortality, rebirth and resurrection, the ability to transform, a butterfly is born, transforming from an ordinary caterpillar.
Also, butterfly is a symbol of the Great Goddess (Great Mother, Magna Mater). The image of the Great Goddess dates back to the most ancient times of human history, to the Paleolithic. This supreme deity personified heaven and earth at the same time, life and death. Hence the belief that witches can turn into butterflies. Butterflies also promote conception and portend war, and butterflies are the souls of the dead.
In China, this winged creature denotes immortality, leisure in abundance, joy and summer. The butterfly depicted with plum symbolizes longevity and beauty, with chrysanthemum – beauty in old age, with a feather – longevity.
Taoist parables featured the image of a butterfly.
Once, the philosopher Chuang Tzu saw himself in a dream as a butterfly. When he woke up, he could not understand: Chuang Tzu saw in a dream that he was a butterfly, or was the butterfly now dreaming that it was Chuang Tzu?

Butterfly jewelry symbolism and meaning
In Japan, the butterfly symbolizes a young woman, and butterflies fluttering around one another mean family happiness. However, white butterfly – the spirit of the deceased.
In ancient Mexico, the butterfly belonged to the attributes of the god of vegetation, spring and love, the “Prince of Flowers” of Xochipilla. In addition, the mexicans associated it with the sun and it was a symbol of the waving fire. At the same time, it was the symbol of the souls of women who died in childbirth.
The ancient Greeks considered the butterfly a symbol of the immortality of the soul. Psyche, whose name means “soul,” appeared as a girl with butterfly wings.
In Christianity, the developmental stages of butterflies personify life, death and resurrection. Therefore, we sometimes can see butterfly depicted in the hand of the infant Christ. In the paintings depicting life in paradise, a soul, which the Creator places in the body of Adam, has such wings.
Traditionally, the Slavs associated ideas about the soul primarily with the butterfly. People often talk about the butterfly as the soul of the deceased or the harbinger of death, and sometimes the image of death.

Butterfly jewelry symbolism and meaning