Bottle cap fashion

Bottle cap fashion
Plastic and tin bottle caps are in fact a universal material with limitless possibilities for creativity. Talented craftsmen and designers demonstrate amazing creativity and imagination using the recycled material. They create various things, from fashion dresses and miniature furniture, to amusing figurines and jewelry pieces. The style of these items also varies from Avant Garde to abstract and modernist, simple minimalist ornaments or complicated designs. Decorated with embroidery, decoupage or paint, some designers create truly masterpieces and wearable art implemented in jewelry or fantastic dresses.
Unique jewelry by Yoav Kotik from bottle caps is indeed precious in a sense, because in its production he used precious metals and gems. And, this jewellery is not cheap at all – ring is from 33 to 80 US dollars, and the bracelet may cost 200 and more. In order to explain the significance of his work, Yoav says that he gets “junk” from all continents and islands, as well as from all cultures, traditions and orientations.
Bottle cap fashion