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Category Archive: Symbolism

Lent symbolic Jewellery

A chick breaking free from the eggshell.Rare collectible brooch of 1960s, England

Lent symbolic Jewellery. A chick breaking free from the eggshell. Rare collectible brooch of 1960s, England

Lent symbolic Jewellery
For thousands of years, the egg has been a symbol of new life. At one time, it was a custom in Europe to do without eggs during Lent. Given as gifts, eggs then became a special treat on Easter day. The new life is also a symbol of God’s power. A chick breaking free from the eggshell is one of the wonders of God’s power, and one of the wonders of God’s creation!
The shell was also thought as the rock tomb from which Jesus emerged. Pretty decorated eggs at Easter have been popular for a long time. The Dutch color eggs are thought to be the symbols of better times to come.
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Russian pearl jewellery

Russian pearl jewellery

“Woman in Toropetsky pearl headdress and scarf”. Unknown artist. Russian pearl jewellery

Russian women pearl jewellery
In the seventeenth century, Russia has not yet mined gold or silver. But every Russian woman wore pearls: pearls on the dress, pearls on hats, on footwear, on handkerchiefs. Russia was a country of pearl. In the seventeenth century it was like a fishing – pearl could be found in 150 rivers. “There are provinces, such as Nizhny Novgorod, in which each woman had on her neck, on the headdress from 200 to 300 and sometimes up to thousands of real pearls.”
Sometimes, in the paintings of the classics of the 19th century, you can see the most common Russian women – peasant or boyaryshnya (wealthy woman), in a beautiful headdresses decorated with pearls, pearl necklaces, strings of pearls – large, white, very beautiful, the same as Russian North women were.
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Chinese zodiac in jewellery

Chinese zodiac in jewellery. Rat brooch of white gold and diamonds

Rat (2020, January 25), element Metal. Rat brooch of white gold and diamonds, Verdura. Chinese zodiac in jewellery

Chinese zodiac in jewellery
According to the Chinese calendar, the beginning of the New Year falls on the first new moon after the winter solstice, which occurs in December or January. The New Year, starting from the winter solstice (December 21-22), the new moon, occurs respectively until January 21, and no later than February 20. 12-year cycle (“earthly branches” or “Chinese Zodiac”), taken perhaps from observing Jupiter’s orbit (the sidereal period of the planet is equal to 4332.589 Earth days, or 11.8618 year).
For some reason it is a 12-year period Chinese astrologers consider the greatest inspiration. Accordingly, Zodiac animals – Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat or Sheep, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, Boar or Pig appear in different art forms with the richness and authenticity of psychological content.
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Dragonfly jewellery symbolism

Dragonfly jewellery symbolism. Marion Cotillard For the December issue of the British edition of the magazine Harper's Bazaar. Photo September 2012. Photographer Ben Hassett

Marion Cotillard For the December issue of the British edition of the magazine Harper’s Bazaar. Photo September 2012. Photographer Ben Hassett. Dragonfly jewellery symbolism

Dragonfly jewellery symbolism
The Japanese consider dragonflies a symbol of military valor, they were sacrificed to the gods, asking for victory. According to legend, the island of Honshu was called the Island of dragonfly. A dragonfly Tunb, which symbolizes Japan’s courage, brings happiness and good fortune. For the American Indians dragonfly embodies whirlwind speed and activity. In the West, dragonfly is often associated with witches (in the English language, the word sounds like a dragonfly, literally – “the Dragon Fly”). Also, sometimes it can share the symbolism of the butterfly, which embodies immortality and regeneration.
As a seasonal symbol in Japan, the dragonfly is associated with autumn. More generally, dragonflies are symbols of courage, strength, and happiness, and they often appear in art and literature, especially haiku. Japanese children catch large dragonflies as a game, using a hair with a small pebble tied to each end, which they throw into the air.
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Ship’s Wheel and Anchor symbolism

Ship's wheel brooch

Gorgeous brooch. Ship’s Wheel and Anchor symbolism

Ship’s Wheel and Anchor symbolism
The value of the wheel jewellery is in its symbolism. Thus, choosing wheel jewellery a person chooses his own path in life. So, he is responsible for his actions and is ready for any twist of fate. Another value of the wheel jewellery, less common – a love of adventure, traveling and a tendency to change places. In fact, the steering wheel is a solar sign.
The steering wheel – one of the ancient emblems, occurring in the early Middle Ages. A wheel was portrayed with handles (two or more), and meant emblem of leadership and management. This logo, undoubtedly, came from the sun wheel as a symbol of divine power (the handle – the remains, vestiges of light) and only later began to correspond with the ship’s wheel.
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Turtle jewellery symbolism

Bracelet Turtle jewellery symbolism. Handmade. Made of metal alloy coated in gold antique, with Swarovski crystals and rock crystal

Bracelet with green enamel. Metal alloy of gold antique tone, Swarovski crystals, rock crystal. Turtle jewellery symbolism

Turtle jewellery symbolism
Amulets in the form of a turtle are found in ancient Egypt. In China, sacred turtle has long been a mascot of wisdom and long life, carved figures of turtles on roofs of wooden houses served as a protection from fire. In India, the giant wise turtle Kurma was one of the incarnations of Lord Vishnu, and its feet, according to ancient myths, served as a support to space.
According to Mongolian myths, golden turtle holds the central mountain of the universe. Many mythologies see it as a symbol of material existence, and a mediator between heaven and earth. In the ancient East, people believed tortoise shell protected the home from evil spells and the Grail. Thus, the cup from it protected against poison, and tortoiseshell bracelets – from any damage. Ancient Mexicans recognized tortoise as a mascot of fertility.
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Farm bird Apotropaic magic

18 Karat Gold, Platinum, Diamond and Ruby Rooster Brooch, Oscar Heyman & Brothers

18 Karat Gold, Platinum, Diamond and Ruby Rooster Brooch, Oscar Heyman & Brothers. Farm bird Apotropaic magic

Farm bird Apotropaic magic.
Many birds were seen as being endowed with apotropaic magic. Ancient Greeks and Romans believed that the image of a chicken – amulet against the evil eye, as well as a chicken egg. Egg amulet is known in almost all cultures, stone eggs are found even in before-Neolithic graves. In Europe, as a talisman and amulet since ancient times were used the so-called bone desires – V-shaped chicken or turkey breast bone, both present in the form of pendants, and brooches, trinkets of gold and silver.
A variety of necklaces, charms with golden ducks found in ancient Egypt, and later – in the Hellenistic and Eastern world. A pair of mandarin ducks “Yuan-yang” symbolized and also served as a talisman of conjugal life in China. Fluffy tail of the wild duck was attached to the earrings of Tajiks and Uzbeks, in addition, in Central Asia, Apotropaic magic had feathers and claws of birds, embodying fertility: dove, pheasant, rooster.
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